Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Go and Build and Ark!

I watched the movie "2012" the other night.
I needed something to lighten my mood as I witnessed our tyrannical President eliminating freedom from America.
It had all the campiness I needed to put things in perspective about the end of the world.

One thing about this film that stood out to me, was the government's decision to hide the arks they'd built for survival. They figured on saving just enough "worthy" people to repopulate the world again...and of course those who paid a billion euros for a seat.

Toward the end, the geologist who discovered the coming apocalypse (there's always a smart, though hapless rube who the government uses), wails in despair that the people should know what's coming so they have a chance to save themselves.
Of course, he runs up against a politician who insists the masses would riot and no one would be saved.

My sons and I debated the point afterwards. Do we give people a chance to save themselves? Or do we keep their doom a secret to guarantee the survival of a few?

I suggested that America's history of freedom meant our leaders would come up with a solution to give everyone a chance for survival. Couldn't each state have allocated their funds and gathered a workforce to build their own ark? There would be no time or energy to riot if people were busy building and working together to ensure their survival. They would need no billionaires to secretly fund it. Whoever wanted to live, would give their money and time to get their ark built.

God gave humanity a hundred and twenty years to join hands in building Noah's ark. He gave them blueprints and resources. But more importantly, God gave humanity a choice.

Choice is really the heart of freedom.

There are viable solutions to healthcare reform which Republicans tried desperately to make known, but they were ignorned because those reforms involved choice.
Remove the barriers to buying insurance across state lines. That is already proven to bring healthcare costs down, because it makes insurance more competitive.
You know? Like Geico?
Don't people shop around for the best deals when they make an important purchase?
What would happen if car companies were owned by the government and we didn't have a choice which car we wanted to buy...oh...wait.

Obama sees us all collectively. And collectively we can only be ruled...not led.
Our survival depends upon our choice and our knowledge of the truth.

There is no free healthcare...everyone will pay a price.
It is a pandora's box that has already been opened and out of it 16,000 new IRS agents are coming to force you to buy government insurance.

Do you think Obama's going to stop with this bill? Of course not! Everything's on the table now. The Democrats have nothing to lose. They can sign Cap and Trade and put all our utilities under government control. How will you feel when you can't turn up the heat during winter, or cool off during summer? How will you feel when your bank account is drained to pay insurance premiums or fines or taxes or whatever the government says it wants...because it's all for the "common good" doncha' know.

We can survive the tyranny at our door, but only if we know the truth and set our sights on building an ark to get through this socialist tsunami. We can start with the blueprint and resources at hand. In November, we can vote out of office every treacherous fool who sold their soul to sign this monstrous bill.
...and in 2012?


We will survive.


1 comment:

  1. Char, please forgive me for losing your comment...I don't know what happened. I clicked on publish and it disappeared!

    You said facebook has almost a million people as members-against-Obamacare, and another group of members in support of Obamacare had only 3,000. Is that right?
    You also said it gives you some hope.

    I agree, my friend.
    Have hope. America is not the unwashed ignorant masses the media and White House proclaim (hourly).
    I know the days ahead will be hard and people will be despondent, thinking this law will destroy their lives, or that we now live in a socialist's dream.
    It is all an illusion.
    There are too many people who love freedom in the country.
    There are too many heroes waiting to come out by this.
    Did you notice how a lot of previously wimpy Republicans in the house and Senate are sounding like Spartacus? :)

    Take heart, my friend. The times we live in will bring out the best America has always been.
