Thursday, April 9, 2009

All the News that's Printed to Fit

" A tyrant must put on the appearance on uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious."

Is Obama a Christian?
He says he is. He was a member of Chicago's United Trinity Church for almost two decades.

But, once we confess Jesus Christ as Lord, the Bible tells us there are characteristics of a Believer which not only give us assurance, but witnesses to the world what a Christian truly is.
Among them:
Blameless and harmless (Philippians 2:15)
Devout (Acts 8:2)
Faithful (Revelation17:14)
Follow Christ (John 10:4)
Godly (Ps.4:3)
Without deceit (John 1:47)
Humble (Ps.34:2)
Holy (Deut. &:6)
Hunger for righteousness (Matthew 5:6)
Just and Merciful (Luke 2:25, Ps. 37:26)
Pure in heart (Matthew (5:8)
Righteous (Luke 1:6)
True (2 Corinthians 6:8)
Upright ( (1 Kings 3:6)

Now granted we could argue all day about Obama possessing any and all of these characteristics, and allowing for grace, we know that most of us don't meet that criteria on a daily basis...I know I don't. But, inherently our nature changes when we accept Christ and we desire to be those things because He desires it for us.
Obama's radical abortion position alone disqualifies him for that list right off the bat.
Not because of his past views on abortion, but because he is unrepentant in his present view on abortion and actively works to devalue life as President of our country.
On the matter of Obama's church. Well, Reverend Wright's hate-preach is now so well-documented as to give a true indication of what kind of "Christian teachings" Obama has been exposed to for the last twenty years.

But, that's old news, isn't it? The wheels of the bus go 'round and 'round.

If Obama's stance on abortion isn't enough to convince you his intentions toward life in America are at best, malignant and at worst, well...what is the worst you could think of?
I have a good idea already given this video of the first President of the United States bowing before a muslim king.
Now, search that list again, but do not ask:
"Would an American President bow in subservience to a muslim King?"
Instead ask: "Would a Christian?"

But, if that is too much to take in, an anonymous aide to Obama assures us that:
"It wasn't a bow. He grasped his hands with two hands and he's taller than King Abdullah."
(never mind the photo which shows Obama's left hand hanging down at his side).

From the White House: all the news that's printed to fit.

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