Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I Heart Susan Boyle

She appeared as a contestant on the show "Britain's Got Talent" last week, and suddenly her voice has spread over the internet like a wildfire.

There are to date: 10 million, 150 thousand hits on YouTube for Susan Boyle's performance.

I wanted to know why.

Why did she touch so many people?

Why did her appearance inspire millions to watch her over and over?
Her voice surprised everyone, certainly.
I say surprised because it came from a homely, kind and rather frumpy old maid in her late forties.

Her silliness was large enough to cover her insecurities; but her sweetness shone through nonetheless.

...and she sang with the voice of the angels.

I watched as one of the girls in the audience rolled her eyes.
The girl was young, heavy make-up and lots of arrogance...but that is because she is a Susan Boyle.
Another older woman, frowning as she listens to Susan express her dream of being a famous singer; she was another Susan Boyle.
The audience of scoffers and laughers were all Susan Boyles; angry that someone like them would dare to dream; dare to get on that stage and entertain them with her plain face and dumpy figure...she couldn't possibly meet their expectations.

She was them!

In fact, she was less than average!

She was the weak and foolish one that Jesus had singled out.
She was the jar of clay that Jesus filled with a voice too beautiful to forget.
She was all heart and no sense; taking the dreams that Jesus would not let die, and walking out onto that stage to show us that we are Susan Boyles too.

And when she let that first note come out...we all knew it.

We knew what she really was.

We saw God's thumbprint in her eyes, and heard His creation in her voice.

And we knew what we could be.

Those 10 million, 150 thousand visits were from every Susan Boyle on this earth; and are a witness to what God can do.


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