Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Study of Logic

" lie is of the Truth." 1 John 2:21

When I first began homeschooling my children, I was almost
incapcitated by doubt. But, I was also determined to find out how it
all worked, because the alternative was a government education...and I was beginning to wake up to the way government was running things.

What is logic?
Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary defines it as:
"The art of thinking and reasoning justly"

ART! I love art.
To think and reason justly is considered an art.
I can do that...I think.

After homeschooling in fits and starts for a few years, I found a
a great book about how logic fits into education:
"Teaching the Trivium" by Harvey and Laurie Bluedorn
Two important points stood out to me:
#1. What affects the mind affects the spirit.
#2. Logic is discernment.

Put simply-learning logic helps us in our search for the truth. Without it there is no searching and there is no truth. Now granted we may stumble upon the truth like a broken clock is right twice a day. But is that the "art of thinking"?, let me think.

I'm not saying I'm always going to use logic in my posts.
What I am saying is I'm going to try.
Just as I tried to homeschool...I didn't always get it right.
Just as I try to draw and takes practice.
But, I'm determined to find out how it all works.
Because the alternative is to blindly follow the media-endorsed government now operating with so much malicious intent, that it takes my breath away.

I will try not to use tin-foil in my posts. Y'all are welcome to point out any shiny objects atop my head.
But, I can't promise my beliefs, opinions or logical assumptions won't make some teeth grind.
We are a country of diverse opinions on top of opinions. But, we are still free to voice them.

...and that's what counts.


1 comment:

  1. Like you've quoted before, "When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon."
    -Thomas Paine
